Monday, 16 January 2017

Sound In Our Opening Scene

My job in our group is to be in charge of the sound so I thought I would research different types of sound used in drama films and also research what types of sound we want to include into our opening. I found a very interesting website that gave me an idea of what sounds we would like that link to what is happening in the scene. The website is called  

We thought we would use diegetic sound to emphasise the sound of the door closing behind Genette as she leaves the house. We could do this by emphasising the click of the door as it closes this sound would contribute to the realism of the film as it is an everyday sound that you would hear most days. Linking in with the sound of the door clicking we could highlight some sound that the bike makes like the squeak of tyres and breaks and the bell on the front of the bike.   

Another form of dietetic sound we would use is the characters talking to each other. For example the girls talking to one another as they go past Genette. The conversation between the two girls will be pretty basic and just be everyday topics. 

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