Types of sound in films.
Diegetic sounds
This is sound where it is visible on the screen for example
- Voices of characters
- Sounds made by objects in the film e.g. radio, television and phone
- Music as represented as coming from instruments in the space
Diegetic sound can be either on screen or off screen.
This is where is not visible on the screen or has been implied in the action of the film for example
- narrator's commentary
- sound effects
- mood music
It is represented as coming from a source outside of the film.
Sound is actually more important in films than it is given credit for because the audience can listen to many different sounds at once.
Here are some examples of different types of sound
This is the sound of characters talking o each other onscreen.
Ambient (natural sound)
An example of this is he room tone. This is the background of the movie set.
Additional Dialogue Recording (ADR)
This is when dialogue is recorded after the film has finished filming. This could be done if something ruined the dialogue during shooting.
This is when you can hear the voice of a person speaking but they are not seen in the film.
Sound effects (SFX)
This is any sound created for the movie.
This is original music created for the film
Music included in the film that wasn't created for he film.
Sound included in films can help a film stand out and be remembered for example the violin scene in psycho when Marion Crane gets stabbed in the shower.
Another classic sound effect is the sound of Darth Vader.
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